Seoul National University Alumni Association in Chicago

Sun Chul Kim

1940 - 2011



김선철 박사님은

1940년 5월 9일 충북 옥천군 청산면 지천리에서,

아버지 김완중님, 어머니 이옥순님 사이, 2남 4녀중 차남으로, 유복한 가정에 태어 나셨습니다.

아버지 김완중님은 은행가로서 성공하시고 후배를 이끌어 주셨던 후덕한 선배로 알려 있습니다.

어머니 이옥순님은 인자한 어머니로서 6남매 자녀 교육에 정성 지극하신 분이였습니다.

1967년 6월15일 부인 김성희씨와 결혼, 슬하에 아들 홍순 Tony와 딸 영순 Sharon 남매를 두셨습니다.

자녀들은 출가하여 아들과 며느리 이미나 사이에, 손녀 Julia, Elena, Livia를 두시고, 딸과 사위 이기섭 Andrew 사이에 외손자 선웅 Ryan을 두셨습니다.

김선철 박사님은

1956 청주 중학졸업

1958 경동 고등학교 졸업, 서울 대학교 의과 대학 입학

1964 졸업

그후 3년간 1964-1967 군의관으로 육군 본부 근무, 중위로 제대 하고 도미

1967-1968 Oak Lawn 소재 Christ Hospital 에서 Intern 과정 수료

1969-1972 ㅡMaryland 주 Baltimore City Hospital 에서 산부인과 Resident과정 수료

1972 부터 South Suburban Hospital 과 Ingalls Hospital 에서 개업하시다가 2008년 은퇴하셨습니다.

1978 년 이 남부교회 설립시 창립위원이시었으며 본교회에서 집사 임명을 받으셨습니다.

김선철 박사님은 주관이 강하셨고, 옳고 그름이 명확하시여, 본인이 옳다고 생각하는 일은 무서울 정도의 신념과 끈기로 이루어 내셨습니다. 그러면서도 항상 유머와 재치로 많은 사람들을 웃기고 의리와 우정으로 많은 친구들을 가지셨습니다. 부모님께 효도하고, 가장으로서 부인을 사랑하시며, 자녀들을 훌륭히 교육시켜 사회의 기둥이 되게 만드셨습니다. 의사로서 환자 진료에 열과 성을 다하셨고, 수많은 새 생명이 이세상에 태어나도록 도우셨습니다.

골프, 페니스, 낚시, biking, 등 운동을 좋아 하시고, Lyric opera는 빠지지 않고 관람하실 만큼, 음악을 좋아 하셨습니다. 그밖에도 문학, 영화등 여러 방면에 남다른 흥미와 조예가 깊으셨습니다. 이토록 보람되고 훌륭한 삶을 사시다가 2011년 2월 14일 70세를 일기로 운명하셨습니다.


Dr. Sun Chul Kim was born on May 9th, 1940 in Choong Book Province, South Korea.

Hew as the second son and the fourth child of this parents, Wan Joong and Ok Soon Kim.

He graduated from Chung Joo Middle School in 1956.

His family then moved to Seoul, and he graduated from Kyun g Dong High School in 1958.

He entered Seoul National University, College of Medicine, from which he graduated in 1964 with Doctor of Medicine degree.

He served 3 years in Korean Army as a military physician.

In 1967, he married Sung Hee Cho in Seoul, and immigrated to United States.

He completed internship at Christ Hospital, in Oak Lawn.

He completed Ob-Gyn residency training at Baltimore City Hospital and was board certified in Ob-Gyn.

He began his private practice in South Suburban Chicago in 1972.

He practiced in this area until his retirement in 2008.

He served as the chairman of Ob-Gyn Department at Ingalls Hospital in Harvey, in 1988.

He was the chairman of Ob-Gyn Department at South Suburban Hospital in Hazel Cr4est from 1990 through 1994.

He was selected for America's Top Ob-Gyn Award in 2004-2005.

He was a Board Member of Seoul National University Alumni Association in Chicago Area.

He was the president of SNU College of Medicine Alumni Association in Chicago from 1987 to 1988.

He was one of the founding members of this church: The Korean United Methodist Church in South Suburban Chicago.

His hobbies were tennis, golf, biking, fishing, music, reading, movies, and traveling.

He was the devoted husband to Sung Hee for 43 years. He was the loving father to Anthony and Sharon, as well as his daughter-in-law Mina and son-in-law Andrew Lee. He was an adoring grandfather to his lovely grandchildren, Julia, Elena, Olivia, and Ryan.

He lived such a wonderful and productive life, until he passed away in February 14, 2011 at his age of 70.


by Yong-Il Ro




친구 김선철영전에

이 왠 말인가! 친구 선철 자네가 졸연히 타계하여 우리들과 헤어지게되었다니!
내가 친구 자내를 알게된것은 1958년 같은 의에과에 입학해서 한 교실에서 강의를 밭게되면서이고 대구시골에서 올라온 나를 서울친구들만으로 구성된 모임에 참가하게하여 클럽활동을 한때부터였다네.

낭만과 꿈이 가뜩 찬 젊은이들이 모여 문학, 음악을 즐기면서 사교생활을 함이 주 목적이였지. 우리들의 모임이 자네의 집에서 멀지않은 청파동에서 열러 모임이 끝나고나면 한강근처에 있는 자네 자택에가서 다정스런 자네어머님이 차려온 다과를 맛있게 먹고했었지. 그당시 부터도 얼마전 병고를 치루기 전처럼 자내는 만사를 열성으로 대하여 대가의 경지를 이루려했다네. 유도를 열심히했을 뿐만아니라 당시 유행하던 미국 팦 가수들, 폴 앙카, 앨비스 프레스리, 에디 핏서 등의 새 노래들을 가사와 곡을 단시일에 익혀 우리들에게 들려주곤했지.

육년이란 새월을 같은 교정에서 지나고 졸업후 헤어젔다가 1972년 우리가족이 노스부륙에 처음으로 집을 장만해 이사를 간지 얼마지나지 않았을때였다네. 자네는 부인과함께 세살된 토니를 안고 우리들을 찾아와 무척반가웠다네. 처음 만나는 자네부인에게 우리부부는 잠시사이에 정이들었다네. 자네나 나는 동갑인 두자매를 두어 애들과 더불어 근 사십년을 같이 이 시카고에서 지나온터 앞으로는 자내없는 허전한 자리를 어덯게 매굴지 모르겠구려.

그동안 우리함께 많은 추억들을 만들었는바 여기 몇가지 나열해 자내와 이곳에 참석한 조객들과 함께 나누고자하는바네. 시카고 우리동기 부부들은 새집, 새살림, 새로 태어난 아기들에 재미를 붙어 그리고 직장생활등으로 바쁜 와중에도 한달이 멀다하고 모였고 한해의 마지막 날인 뉴이어 이브에는 밤새는 줄 모르고 애들과 함께 즐겼지.

그렇지, 1980년! 그해 여름에는 레이크 제네바 윌리암스 칼레지 캠프스에서 가족 캠프를 하기로하고 동창회장이였던 차응만 학형이 부탁하여 친구자네, 나, 그리고 강창만군이 주동이되어 준비를 해 여러가족이 함께 모여 즐겼는데 푸로그램중에는 낙시대회가 있었지. 친구자네는 남들이 아찍 눈도 뜨지않은 새벽부터 낙시를 시작하여 열성껏 낙시를 한 결과 많은 고기와 제일 큰 고기를 잡아 일등상을 받았는데 그때 찍은 사진들을 모은알범에서 친구자네가 의기양양한 자세로 얼굴에 웃음을 가뜩 체우고 큰 생선을 치켜든 사진을 보면서 함께 즐겼던 시절을 새삼 그리워한다네.

그리고 우리가 매년 연례행사로 레이크 위네바고, 오시코시를 지나 그 레이크로 흘러들어오는 울프리버로 메모리얼 주말에는 낙시를 갔었지. 메모리얼 주말에는 의레 날이 흐릴뿐만아니라 비까지 왔다네. 우리들은 하늘이 전사한 용사들을 생각해 눈물을 흘린다고했지. 이럴때는 낙시군 모두가 방속에서 농담이나 카드놀이나하고 지나기를 원했지만 친구자내는 비가올때 고기들은 신이나서 움직이고 먹이를 문다면서 우리들을 부축해서 나가 낙시를 하게했다네. 그때 많은 이야기감들을 만들었지. 그 모두가 좋은 추억이되어 우리와 함께 남았는데 하루는 낙시에는 무관한 강창만군이 낙시줄을 던저놓고 낙시줄에는 아랑곳없이 누워서 콧노래만 부르던중 낙시대가 후닥닥하면서 큰고기에 물려 강물속으로 사라저 버렸다네. 그때부터 우리는 강태공이 실수로 대어뿐만아니라 값비산 낙싯대까지 놓첬다고 농담들을 했였지. 낙시여행이 끝나고 돌와오는 도중에 로드사이드 레스트 에리아를 찿아가 남아있든 모든 재료를 이용해 친구자네는 맛있는 찌개를 만들었고 우리들은 그 찌개를 얼마나 맛있게 먹었는지 모른다네. 그 연례행사는 세월이 지나 우리들의 시안이 노안으로 변해 낙시줄을 메지못하게 됨으로서 종지부를 찍고말았지만 그때가 정말로 즐겁고 재미있던 시절이였다네.

그리고 친구자네는 자연의 아름다움을 무척 좋아하고 여행하기를 좋아했지. 2003년 여름에 우리함께 알라스카로 여행을 가서 다섯 부부가 슈퍼 벤을 빌려 운전해 빙산과 자연이 풍부한 알라스카를 돌와다니면서 구경했지. 이따금 로드사이드 레스트 에리아에서 준비해서 갖어 간 한국음식으로 피크닉을 하면서 얼마나 즐겁게 지났던가! 마지막 날 알라스카 앤코리지 공항에서 자네 며누리의 출산 소식을 듣고 공항내에있는 카페에서 축배를 나누었지 그때가 엇그제 같은 느낌인데 그때 태어난 손녀가 벌써 일곱살이되어 초등학교를 가게 되었다니 새월흐름의 빠름을 새삼 느끼게 되지만 자네의 병마는 너무도 빨리 엄습해 와서 아무도 어쩔 도리가 없었구려. 친구 자네가 은퇴를 하고 우리 골든클럽에서 더 즐겁고 흥미로운 여행를 즐기자 약속했지만 다시는 그렇게 할 기회를 야속하게도 주님은 거부하셔서 애통하기 그지없구려.
친구자네는 다사를 정열로서 최선을 다했지! 정구, 골프, 낙시 등등. 그리고 한때는 기타를 자습자득하여 노래를 부르면서 우리들에게 기타소리를 들려주었고 마작까지 배워 우리들에게 가러처주었지. 그렇다고 친구자네는 본업인 의료진료를 등한시하지않았다네. 산부인과 의사로서 무수한 신생아를 분만케하여 많은가정에 즐거움과 행복을 갖어다주었고 그리고 친구자네와 자네부인께서는 두 자매 토니와 세론을 누구에게도 부럽지않게 훌륭하게 키웠다네. 토니는 사회에서 존대받는 의사로서, 세딸의 아버지 그리고 훌륭한 가장으로 좋은가정을 누리고 세론은 성공한 변호사로서 그리고 한아내로서 남못지않게 사회생활을 하는중 친구자네가 생사의 기로에서 해맬때 세론은 만삭으로 멀리서 아기분만을 기다리던바라 너의 임종을 접하려 오지는 못했지만 친구자네에게 건강하고 귀여운 외손자녀석을 마지막 선물로 주었다네. 하지만 직접 눈으로 볼수없었음이 무척 유감이였지만 친구자내가 외손자출산 소식에 침대에 누어 말은 못하지만 무척 기뻐하는 표정을 지었다는 이야기를 듣고 슬픈가운데서도 한결 기뻤다네.


친구 김선철군 마지막으로 시한편으로 나의 서글픈 마음을 전하려하는바네.


Winter Fallen Leaves

Cold westerly wind blows sweeping over snow covered field
While shaking haggard tree branches
That makes leaves fall and makes whistling sounds.
It is tormenting cold out there
In the midst of snow blizzard in 2011.
All appear lonely and even lifeless.
Though, everybody knows soon spring will come
Bringing warm zephyr
That will hasten the land exhale warm air
To create shimmering airwaves,
Making flowers bloom, Snow Drops, Crocus, Daffodils, . . .

Nevertheless, it is sorrowful
That the helpless fallen leaves will be blown away
And land somewhere never returning.
They will be buried and decomposed to become dirt
That will become nourishment for new scions
Which will sprout and flourish
When spring comes.
Late on, they will produce fruits for birds, animals, humans, . . .
Any life is never be wasted
Because it will be nutrient for new lives.
Our life seems just like a fallen leaf
That has sprouted, prospered, and demised.
Returning to the earth where it was originated from.

I will not cry for one who departs from me to the eternal life
Because it is destined to
I will not be dismayed from one who disappears from my sight
Because the sight is only epiphenomenon
While it will remain in my heart forever.
I like to celebrate all livings as well as all demises
Because they are all equally graceful and beautiful.

Let us celebrate together for our friend, Sun Chul Kim, his earthly life
as well as his eternal life.
Although we can not see it
We know there is
Because we can feel it deep down in our heart.


Written in memory of my dear friend Sun Chul Kim

February 18, 2011

Jae Ro


Following is the English version of Eulogy for late Sun Chul Kim translated from Korean version.


To the spirit of late Sun Chul Kim

What a shocking unexpected news it is!  How come my friend Sun Chul, you have passed away so suddenly to be departed from us!

It was the year 1958 when I met you for the first time as we entered same college, Premedical School of Seoul National University, and seat in same classroom. I came from southern part of Korea Taegu, Kyungbuk Province and I joined a kind of students social club, members of which was consisted of mostly students from Seoul who are young, full of dreams and romance. You were also a member of the club. The club’s objective was to enjoy literature and music while building friendship. Since our meeting was held in Chung Pa Dong, which was not far from your place, where Han River flows near by, we often visited your place after meeting was over. Your graceful and elegant mother used to bring pastries and tea to serve us, which we enjoyed a lot. Even that time you were so enthusiastic for everything to become an expertise just like before you fell in the bed with the horrible ailment. You worked so hard to learn Judo and you easily memorized popular songs of famous singers, such as Paul Anka, Elvis Presley, Eddie Fisher, etc. and then you sang for us.

For six years, we shared same campus and we separated after graduation without any communication until 1972, when I moved to new house in Northbrook. Not so long after,, you and your wife visited our place with your three year old son, Tony. We were so happy to see you and we became to like your wife momentarily even though it was first time we met her. You and I both have two children in same ages, girl and boy for me, boy and girl for you, Together we spent almost 40 years in Chicago. Now I don’t know what to do and how I can fill your empty place!

We have built lots of good memories, some of which I like share with you and those who came to express condolence tonight. All of our classmates in Chicago area were busy with new house, new furniture, and newly born children in addition to their duties to their profession and social life; though we managed to get together at least once a month. When New Year eve comes we stayed awake all night. That was 1980 when we had a big event. On the request of Eung Man Cha who was the president of our alumni, you, Chang Man Kang, and I together organized an alumni family summer camp at Williams College Campus in Lake Geneva. Many families joined the camp and had lots of fun with many diverse programs. One of program was fishing derby. While everybody else was sleeping, you woke up to start fishing so that you caught many, of course, the largest as well so that you won the first place trophy. In the album consisted of photos taken that time, I could see you standing with big fish while making big smile on your face that reminded me of all wonderful, memorable events. We also used to go fishing trip during memorial weekend holiday at Wolf River passing by Lake Winnebago and Oshkosh Wisconsin. This became an annual event. During memorial weekend, it used to get cloudy and even rained so we said the heaven send rain to memorialize for those sacrificed in the war. Such a rainy day, all wanted to stay inside and play card games while having jokes. However, you forced us to get out for fishing saying that when it rains fishes move around and tend to bite bait more. We made plenty of good memories. One day while everybody was busy for fishing concentrating the line to move but Chang Man Kang was so relaxed lying down while singing. Alas! Suddenly fish jumped and pulled the fishing pole down into river water. Since that time we used to say Kang Chang Man lost not only big fish but also his expensive fishing pole. On the way back home, we used to stop by in roadside rest area, where you cooked porridge using all left over material, which was so tasteful, everybody enjoyed to eat. This annual event stopped when vision of members became too senile to see ties of fishing line. You loved so much beauty of nature and traveling too. In summer of 2003, five couple together went to Alaska, where there are lots of glaciers and full of nature and traveled in a super van which was rented at Anchorage airport. While traveling, we usually stopped by at roadside rest area and had a picnic with prepared Korean food. How exciting and fun-filled trip it was! On the last day, we got news at Anchorage airport that your daughter in law delivered a girl so we celebrated at a café inside airport. Even though I feel it was just a little while ago, your grand daughter already turned seven year old and going to elementary school. It appears time goes by so fast. Nevertheless, the ailment of yours came so sudden that we could not do anything for you! After your retirement, we talked about going trip more often to the beautiful and exciting places. Alas! So sad, Good Lord has forbidden us to do so together in order to take you to the heaven close to him!

My friend, you always did best with full of passion whatever task you take! They are tennis, golf, fishing, etc and one time you self taught guitar and then you sang for us while playing guitar. You also learned Mahjong and then taught us how to play Mahjong, Even though, you did not neglected your profession, As an obstetrician, you delivered so many babies to bring pleasure and happiness to so many families. And you and your wife together raised your children so well to become wonderful members of society so that many people would praise so high. Tony became a respected physician, father of three beautiful daughters and wonderful husband while Sharon became a successful lawyer and good wife. While you were in the maze between life and death, she was waiting for a baby, your grandson, to deliver; thereby she could not come to have the last moment with you. However, she has delivered a handsome healthy baby boy to present you. Sadly you could not see the baby but you made a happy facial expression in a sign of understanding to hear the news. I was so happy to hear that.

My friend, Sun Chul Kim, I would like to present a poem in order to convey my feeling.




Class of 64